Values & Philosophy

At Elwood Children’s Centre our values are at the heart of everything we do. Our ties with the local community and environment create a sense of belonging in the children’s home away from home.

'‘ A community driven environment with a commitment to play-based learning, where connections and individuals are cherished”



•  Capable decision-making citizens of our community

•  Diverse personalities that require a meet you where you are at approach to their learning journey.

“Play with all my friends” – Aspen, Warreeny Program (child feedback)

•  Children are given opportunities to lead and advocate for their own learning as they interact with their social and physical environments.

•   Friends and belonging (family feedback)


Learning and development

•   We plan and implement a wide range of activities for diverse learners.

•   We facilitate the development of dispositions and a spirit of inquiry-based learning.

•   Walk on Country - We experience learning environments with a wide lens.

•    “Introducing children to all aspects of inclusion” – (family feedback)

•    “I like reading books at kinder” – Pippa, Warreeny Program (child feedback)

“It’s Childrens first start in education for life” – (family feedback)

•   “Outside” – Arlo and Ted, Fairy Penguin Program (child feedback)

•     Intentional teaching that extends childrens learning in play-based experiences.



• Create warm and trusting relationships with children and families

• “I like when you [educator] look after me” – Rosie, Warreeny Program (child feedback)

“I bought you an apple because I love you” – Charlie, Walert Program (child feedback)

•  Educators display empathy, kindness and a genuine interest in childrens development and wellbeing.

• “The educators [at ECC] make children feel they belong and accepted. Every part of them, even the hard bits” - (family feedback)

• “Someone who can talk to us about difficult things” – (family feedback)

Progressive learning and development for educators. High value is placed on professional growth, with ECC providing two staff training days per year.

• Staff wellbeing is a top priority.

Purposeful and intentional with our interactions with children.

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• We value families as co-educators and the first and most important teachers for their children

• Community and love - A fulfilling environment where children are supported and loved (family feedback)

• Colourful. Our families and staff represent the true diversity of our society.

• “ECC is a safe place for my family – it’s our second home!” (Family feedback)

• Relationships and connectedness form the foundation of this community.

ECC fosters relationships between families and extended families are welcomed and included.



• City of Port Phillip Council – Providing support, governance, and access to local resources creating a sense of togetherness. The foundations of the centres relationships with families are a result of the CoPP waitlist.

• We connect to country through community walks, excursions, being purposeful in how and why we venture beyond the gate.

•  Connected relationships between families, children, and staff are established and strengthened when community members share in fundraisers, events and celebrations together.

• Professional connections are created when staff engage in relevant training, maintain relationships with local networks, local centres and industry bodies.

• In a broader sense, we value a connectedness to the future and the earth. We pride ourselves on our embedded sustainable practices. By role modelling environmental sensitivity, we aim to instil important values to the next generation.