The Warreeny (wombat) program is a beautiful, unique space designed to engage and inspire 2-3 year olds. This quaint and special space is home to 4 children and 1 educator each day. This program focuses on play-based learning, nurturing childrens wellbeing, independence and self-help skills. The small group size fosters deep social connections.
The Warreeny program has a capacity of 4 children per day, with 1 educator.
This unique little space offers an intimate program that nurtures deep connections.
WARREENY educatorS
Camila (Mon-Wed) holds a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Lesley (Wed-Fri) holds a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and is working towards a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education. They both bring passion and creativity to their program, sharing our warm and welcoming Warreeny space alongside our pet fish ‘Goldie’!
program extensions
Hey Dee Ho - Music incursion (alternating sessions termly)
Walk on Country (permanent outing scheme)